UX Design Intern
UI/UX Design, UX Research, Product Development
May. - Sep. 2023 (4 Months)
Python, Figma


About My Role

Enhance Mental Health Support

As a UX Design Intern at ByteDance, I had the opportunity to contribute to the enhancement of user engagement on TikTok's burgeoning e-commerce platform for local services. My role centered around conducting user research, improving UX through heuristic evaluation, and implementing AI-driven tools to refine the design process.

Douyin Laike

Responsibility and Contributions

Heuristic Evaluation

Assisted in developing an 'Experience Dictionary' project, using heuristic evaluation to pinpoint potential UX enhancements. This initiative helped streamline the design process and focus on areas with the highest impact.

Python-based AI Model

Developed a Python-based Predictive Text  AI model to qualitatively analyze user feedback. This tool increased the efficiency of the design feedback loop by 40%, enabling quicker and more focused design iterations.

User Research & Usability Testing

Conducted in-depth research and usability testing to understand user needs and behaviors. My findings contributed to informed UI/UX decisions, enhancing user engagement with local services on the platform.

Learning and Outcomes

My intern at ByteDance was an invaluable learning experience where I not only improved my UX design skills but also understood the impact of data-driven design in a fast-paced, innovative environment. The successful implementation of the AI model and contributions to the Experience Dictionary project are testaments to the collaborative and dynamic nature of the team at ByteDance.

Visuals and Artifacts

Due to confidentiality agreements, specific visuals and detailed project information cannot be disclosed. However, here are some generalized representations of the work I contributed to.


This experience has profoundly shaped my approach to user experience design, equipping me with a solid foundation to tackle future challenges with a user-centric, data-informed mindset. I am eager to bring this knowledge and enthusiasm to new opportunities in the UX field.